Thứ Tư, 4 tháng 5, 2011

American Girl Doll Triangular Shawl with Eyelet tutorial

American Girl Doll Triangular Shawl with Eyelet

Westport, CT

1 skein Lion Brand Micro Spun
US Size 5 straight knitting needles
Difficulty Level: Beginner
Gauge: Knit in Garter Stitch (Knit every row): 4x4 inches = 20 sts across by 44 sts high
Dimensions: approximately 19 inches wide by 9 inches from cast on edge to point of triangle
Directions: Cast on 90 stitches.
ROW 1: Knit one row.
ROW 2: K2, K2tog, YO, K2tog, Knit to end of row.
Repeat row 2 for every row until only 7 sts remain.
Bind off all 7 stitches.
Weave in any loose yarn.

Optional Fringe: If you prefer, cut off several pieces of 5 inches for fringe. Fold 2 pieces of yarn in half for each bit of fringe. Space the fringe evenly along triangular edges of shawl. Pull through the bottom row of the shawl with a crochet hook and then pull through the loop of the fringe. Pull tight. Trim fringe.

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